Why nobody is reading my posts? Or newsletter? Or cold emails
The above questions have plagued me often.
This is a constant question I ask myself every few days when I notice a plateau. In my pursuit of engagement, I turn to Twitter. I drown in the ocean of smart writers, great hooks, and threads. They have so much to say, yet the real connection missing. That secret sauce is often behind a sales page in form of an ebook or a guide or a course.
A few offer the highest value product Free. ”only until this Friday”. If only you gave them the email ID right now.
But, my question continues to be open.
I submit to you, that this question is like finding the answer to
"What is the meaning of life".
There is no one answer.
Plus it may not be worth finding the answer but living and experiencing it. Here is what has helped me move forward every time I ask that question.
Clarity and Purpose
Rather it is worth thinking- Why am I sending that email? why I am writing weekly? What is the larger purpose behind it? Knowing and reminding this is important. it is your mission. Doing something without a mission can be disorienting.
Who is this for, What is in it for them
Why should they read? It is important to continue to sharpen the persona for whom you write. It better be not for everything. and, why? Assuming that persona and putting yourself in those shoes, tells you what may be worth their time. Why should they read? why should they get on a call? why should they leave everything and listen to you?
Embrace Trial and Error mindset
This is the life and blood of anyone who works with any creative pursuit. No one knows the recipe. heck, if there is one, it changes. People are doing a million things. so, it is important to start with a failure case in mind and adapt a trial-and-error mindset.
The simplicity of the message is superpower
Simplicity is key. writing in simple language. focusing on benefits. not blowing your own horn. keeping the message short. simplicity matters. Do not complicate it.
Staying at it if the purpose is noble
The final piece is to pick yourself up and show up. even when you feel like giving up, do it one more time. remind yourself about the goal and the purpose. If the purpose is noble, stay the course.